Red Deer

Red Deer Stag – King of the Forest

Hungary has been long favoured by those who want to bag capital stags. One of the best red deer stocks of the world lives in the Carpathian Basin. The Hungarian hunting areas’ thick oak and floodplain forests ensure an optimal living space for reed deer. Europe’s biggest contiguous floodplain forest is situated in Southern Hungary.

Five of the biggest trophies in the previous years were bagged in Hungary. The best trophies can be found in the counties of Zala, Somogy, Tolna and Baranya. The guests have the highest chance of a successful hunt in the rutting season which start in early September in Southern regions and in mid-September in the North-Western. The average trophy  in the North Hungarian Mountains weighs 4-7 kg. Those who wish to bag a smaller trophy can combine their trip with hunting for wild boar or hinds from mid-October. The hunting fields give special discounts for red deer stag hunts when the rutting season ends.

At least four days are necessary for a successful bagging even in the rutting season.

In Hungary, the state forestries have their own price lists. Once we have the hunting guest’s exact requests, we can send a detailed and personalized offer by e-mail or post.

Hunting Season

Cull stag:1st September – 31st October
Shootable stag1st September – 31st January
Hind1st September – last day of February
Young hind:1st Mai – last day of February
Calf:1st September – 30th April

International CIC points

Gold medal210 –            CIC
Silver medal190 – 209,9 CIC    
Bronze medal170 – 189,9 CIC